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MacKays to Peka Peka


December 2014

Client : M2PP Alliance Fletchers, Higgins, Beca, NZTA

Project Value : $3,443,689.60


Installed 1.8 kilometres of 300mm and 200mm dia. steel gas main. The twin lines were installed four metres apart, at depths of up to 15m and on mirrored compound curved alignments in very challenging ground conditions. The alignments passed under multiple high-risk elements such as rivers, highways and buildings all during the same shot. Installed a 710mm dia. PE stormwater pipe to a critical grade of 0.3%. Installed 500m of multiple ducting clusters for communication & power services on compound curves and in parallel alignment. All installations were undertaken using the Herrenknecht maxi rig & MPR recycling unit. Engineering and design work assistance by MJS.

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Hadlee & Brunton

The company has been in business since 1906.
Hadlee & Brunton prides itself on providing the highest level of
plumbing, drainage, drilling, roofing & maintenance service to the
public, local body and rural sectors, and we guarantee it.


Hadlee & Brunton Ltd
6 North Street, Timaru
(03) 684 3817

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